Eggs are a most complete food. They contain everything that is necessary to make a complete little bird.
Eggs are also quite easy to obtain. Chickens can even be kept in a very small yard. No wonder that eggs are so very popular all over the world.
The basic preparations of eggs for the breakfast table are boiling/poaching; pan-frying (scrambled, omelet) and baking. With each of those, the eggs can be cooked anywhere from soft to hard. When you start adding other things to the eggs, you get literally thousands of possibilities.
This is just a general overview and classification of things I have prepared myself. For a more comprehensive listing, see Wikipedia's List of egg dishes
These are only a few of literally hundreds of possible uses of eggs in the kitchen.
My preferences are soft yolks all around: soft-boiled, sunny-side-up, and soft-scrambled.
That doesn’t mean I won’t eat the others. I like deviled eggs with moderation. Dry-scrambled eggs are better for tortilla wraps, because leaky tortillas are no fun. When I am feeling adventurous, I may even try poaching, even though I’m not very good at it. :-)

. Pic1: Egg preparations commonly available in restaurants.
I have listed the same cooking method order here as for meats. It is pretty much the reverse of my original order by popularity / frequency of what I do at home. Just start at the bottom.
- raw
- Yes, with certain food-safety precautions here in the US.
- dry-cooked
- oven-baked
- pan-fried
- deep-fried
- moist-cooked
- braised
- = baked in sauce, poached???
- stewed
- Ghana and Nigeria egg stew recipes on the internet.
They look like 'scrambled eggs with ...' to me.
- boiled
- cured / smoked
- Someone is doing that somewhere, but not I.
- cold dishes
- eggs - intro ( = this page)
Chapter 4.1. Boiled Eggs
Chapter 4.2. Fried Eggs
- sunny eyes
- sunny side up vs. over easy
- covering the pan
- sunny side up, super-sized
- sunny eyes with …
- onions, potatoes, bell peppers
- onions, tomatoes, bell peppers
- eggs in a basket
- cataract eggs with ham
- eggs, ham, cheese and rhubarb compote
- eggs, ham, potatoes, capers, nacho jalapenos, tomato sauce
- eggs, ham, mayocoba beans
- bacon and eggs
- toast, eggs, ham and cheese
- sunny eyes with sloppy Joe sauce
- Spanish-fried eggs
- huevos rancheros
- huevos a caballo
- scrambled eggs
- scrambled eggs - intro
- spoonable eggs
- soft-scrambled eggs
- cucumber eggs
- egg scramble with ground meat & potatoes
- egg scramble with ham & cheese
- egg scramble with olives
- egg scramble with bacon, cheese & marmalade
- egg scramble with stir-fried tortillas
- egg scramble with pan-fried potatoes
- egg scramble with bacon
- egg scramble with tomatoes, onions, tortilla wrap
- head cheese egg scramble
- dry-scrambled eggs
- chorizo eggs
- nopales egg scramble
- nopales egg scramble in pear creampudding
- gorditas de nopales con huevos
- ranchero eggs with nopales
- egg scramble with onions & tomatoes; tortilla wrap
- disaster eggs
- omelet
Chapter 4.3. Baked Eggs
- eggs only
- baked eggs in a basket
- eggs with sauce
- eggs in sauce
- quiche
- tortilla Española
Chapter 4.4. Raw Eggs