omelet with ...

All pictures on this page—except Pic13: 'sunspots'— were borrowed from the internet.

Eggs are OK by themselves, but they become a lot more versatile when we start adding things to them. Whatever was added to scrambled eggs can also be added to an omelet.  Just like there, we can choose between mixing the add-ins with the eggs, or pouring the eggs over the add-ins in the pan.

But with an omelet we have even more choices.

A. stuffed omelet

Cook a fairly thin omelet and roll or wrap it around other ingredients.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves this time.


Pic1: make omelet
Pic2: ham & cheese
Pic3: half-moon wrap


Pic4: also half-moon wrap
Pic5: Chinese jian bing quarter-moon wrap
 Pic6: Japanese tamagoyaki wrap


Pic7: omelet roll
 Pic8: omelet wrap
Pic9: Mexican reverse wrap: the wrapped omelet

B. pizza omelet

Make the omelet first, and while the surface is still not fully cooked, add whatever you like, just like a pizza. Cover and continue to cook until the omelet is done. No rolling or wrapping, cut it in slices like a pizza.

Do this only with add-ins that do not need long cooking times. If they do need extra cooking, do it beforehand.


Pic10: Masala omelet
Pic11: pizza omelet
Pic12: ultimate English

C. mixed-up omelet


Mix other ingredients into the eggs while beating them, e.g. tomatoes, shrimp, ham, etc. Ingredients that require longer cooking times than the eggs, (e.g. onions, bell pepper) should be cooked first and then pour the eggs over whatever already is in the frying pan. The mixture is then cooked into an omelet with ‘stuff’ in it. See also Egg Foo Young a.o. omelets.

For large quantities, use the biggest diameter pan you have, that the omelet remains fairly thin. That goes quicker.



This is what you need for 2 servings:

  • 4 eggs
  • 2 plum tomatoes
  • ½ salad cucumber
    peeled, deseeded, chopped fine
  • S&P
Pic13: tomato & cucumber omelet
or are we looking at sunspots?
