> 3000 Ave Marias -- Songs of Sharon -- Remi Ghesquiere -- St-Basil's Hymnal --  PROJIMO -- Computer Games

Home Up BGAE Intro Hovercraft repair Black Isle 1 Black Isle 2 Pedestrian District Nutripils Factory Nutripils factory 2 Nutripils Factory 3 Slaughterhouses: entry Surveillance Room North Wing East Wing and exit. Exit. The Beluga Mini-Missions Selene 1 Selene2 Endgame.


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You do not need to finish all mini-missions to go to the moon. 
After the Beluga has been found, you need only 12 pearls to buy the space engine.

Akuda Bar puck game 2x 1 pearl each
Crate pearl (Main Canal) 1 pearl
4 races + 4 Looter's caves. 8 x 1 pearl each
Shed 1
Vorax Lair 1 pearl
Transit 1 pearl
α.Sect. Underground Quarters Triangle key door 3 pearls
Alpha Sections Warehouse: Barred door  (HH) 3 pearls
α.Sect. Underground Quarters  Square   key door 3
α.Sect. Headquarters Star key door 10 pearls
Volcano treasure 15


29 pearls

Races, chases + more Vorax Liar Transit Triangle key Barred door Star key

Posted on YouTube:    

 Nutripils factory ending, IRIS, and
α.Sect. Und. Quarters Triangle key door
Alpha Sections Warehouse: Barred door
Alpha Sections Warehouse: Barred door
Mammago garage
Looter's cavern #1
Vorax Lair


ending Vorax Lair
Looter's cavern #2
α.Sect. Und. Quarters  Square   key door
Looter's cavern #3
Looter's cavern #4
Race #1
Race #2
Race #3
Race #4 + on to slaughterhouses

visit IRIS after slaughterhouses
α.Sect. Headquarters Star key door
α.Sect. Headquarters Star key door chase;
lighthouse destroyed

To register in the Ubisoft DarkRoom, you do need all 56 pictures, and all 88 pearls.

bulletWhen you get the last pearl in the game, you will also receive Mdisk#14, the "Yo Pearl" game
bulletPlay this game for up to 2,000,000 extra bonus points for the "Most Wanted" listing. 
bulletYou need to get to at least 143,500 points before they will register in the Darkroom.

Getting the last animal picture.

bulletGo to Mammago's garage and buy the space engine (-30 =17  pearls left if you have won all 88.)
bulletHead out for space. 

1846.jpg (78797 bytes) 1847.jpg (68969 bytes) 1848.jpg (56259 bytes) 1849.jpg (80349 bytes) 

bulletShoot the ice block in front of the spaceship until it breaks up.
bulletTake a picture of the space whale Megaptera Anaerobia. (56)

1850.jpg (87049 bytes) 1852.jpg (79507 bytes) 1855.jpg (55107 bytes)

bulletYou will receive MDisk#8 with all the animal pictures you've taken...

1857.jpg (56095 bytes) 1858.jpg (47368 bytes) 

bulletCome back to Hillys. 

1859.jpg (47237 bytes) 1860.jpg (62037 bytes) 1862.jpg (92036 bytes) 

bulletSave at Mammago's garage to get your final Internet code. 
bulletLog in to Ubisoft's Darkroom to
bulletregister the Internet code for the "Most Wanted" listing
bullettake the "secret mission" to get the code for the cabinet in the Akuda Bar
( = MDisk 13, with the puck game). 

bulletFINIS for the fast game.   

Continue the mission on the moon.

Page last modified: September 18, 2011

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G-2b, playing the fast game. 

BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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