Selene, part 2.
play/stop MP3

Cutscene: Pey'j is back. 
 | Return to the Beluga, and go onto the platform past the lowered bridge. |
 | Action button to open the door. |
 | Run through the corridor and board the trolley. |

Cutscene: arriving in the transmitting room.
 | Send for the security code. |
 | Read and enter code. |

 | Jade enters data. |
 | Security breach! |
 | Secundo saves the day. |
 | Hillys rises up.
Cutscene: Time to leave: timer 1':30"
 | Hurry back to the Beluga and board. |

Cutscene: The tractor beam.

 | You need to target lock and shoot the
lights that glow red on his tail end. |
The configuration of his defenses and the
lights that you need to shoot at will change 8 times before this part is over.
The center lights where the laser beams
come from aren't lighted all the time.
You can't hit them when you see the beams,
You have only a few seconds to target and
shoot them when they come on. |
Make sure you look at both sides of the
ship to make sure you get them all.
As long as the configuration remains the
same, you missed at least one light. |

Cutscene: Crash landing + defense mines.
 | Shoot the defense mines before you drop the hovercraft. |
 | Inside are 2 alpha elite guards. Kill them. |
 | The general is upstairs. After he dies, push the button to release the
tractor beam. |

Cutscene: Need to land there. 
 | Dogfight the alpha sections ships. |

Cutscene: help arrives. 
 | Land the ship. |
 | SAVE! |
 | Go down the elevator. |

Page last modified:
September 18, 2011

G-2b, playing the fast game.
BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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