> 3000 Ave Marias -- Songs of Sharon -- Remi Ghesquiere -- St-Basil's Hymnal --  PROJIMO -- Computer Games

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Alpha Sections Headquarters.   (10 pearls)

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bulletLocation: star key door across from Ming Tzu's store.
bulletUse the star key and go in.
bulletEnter the elevator. 
bulletHH action button to use the elevator. From there on, stealth all the way through.

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bullet1 guard. Run-jump under the bridge, then wall-hug past the first guard. 

 1463.jpg (87596 bytes) sshot13.jpg (71685 bytes) 1467.jpg (66625 bytes) 1472.jpg (89027 bytes) 

bullet2 guards. Jump up the ladder as soon as the walking guard there starts moving away and follow behind him, until you get to the niche. When he returns, move around the corner as soon as he goes by, roll or WALK to the ladder and jump up to the next area. 

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bullet3 guards. Crouch and when the first guard moves away,  roll/crawl under the pipe ahead.
bulletRepeat for the second guard. 

1484.jpg (87126 bytes) 1485.jpg (77124 bytes) 1486.jpg (66729 bytes) 1487.jpg (66194 bytes) 

bulletTurn towards the building and jump up the ladder to the top level. 
bulletMove along the wall and jump across the gap. 

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bullet2 guards.  As soon as the first guard turns away, step down and jump to hang off the ledge .
bulletPull up immediately and hide behind his back when he starts turning back.
bulletMove past him carefully before he looks out again.
bulletJump onto the dumpster, then up to the ledge. 

1496.jpg (67897 bytes) 1497.jpg (53134 bytes) 1498.jpg (50390 bytes) 1499.jpg (46320 bytes) 1501.jpg (42677 bytes) 

bulletMove past the windows only when the guard inside the building isn't looking that way. 
Once you reach the door you can finally take out that guard by shooting or kicking him. 

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bulletPush the button, go in the door. Take the 10 pearls (#29->38=..)
bulletSave here in case you want to repeat the chase scene.  
bulletEnter the next room and jump-roll over the 2 pipes.

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bulletCutscene: Lost, sweetheart?
bulletWonderful rooftops chase.  Just keep running.

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bulletCutscene: jumping and falling.
bulletYou'll end up in front of the Akuda Bar.

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Page last modified: September 18, 2011

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G-2b, playing the fast game. 

BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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