> 3000 Ave Marias -- Songs of Sharon -- Remi Ghesquiere -- St-Basil's Hymnal --  PROJIMO -- Computer Games

Selene 1
Home Up BGAE Intro Hovercraft repair Black Isle 1 Black Isle 2 Pedestrian District Nutripils Factory Nutripils factory 2 Nutripils Factory 3 Slaughterhouses: entry Surveillance Room North Wing East Wing and exit. Exit. The Beluga Mini-Missions Selene 1 Selene2 Endgame.


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bulletUse the stellar drive to go to the moon.
bulletCutscene: Moonbase.

bulletEnter through the transmitter base.
bulletCutscene: landing.
bulletTake the AP1 from the vending machine.

bulletAt the wall with the raised bridge, jump up the several steps until you can't go any further.
bulletAction button, to have the crate come to you.
bulletJump up, action button, jump down when the crate is above the spaceship.


bulletWalk to the top of the Beluga.
bulletLook for the push button in a corner, under a hanging crate.
bulletShoot the button, to get this crate come to the Beluga.
bulletStand close to the crate,
bulletshoot the button again,
bulletjump up before the crate starts moving.
bulletjump off when the crate is down.
bullet Go to the other side of the platform and turn the wheel to get the bridge down.
bulletGo to the other side of the landing room.



bulletAction button to go down to the Domz base.
bulletGo to the end of the hallway, to the pillar with the lighted mirror.
bulletTurn the lighted mirror, so the light beam shines into the long corridor you just came from.
bulletThis  opens the door behind the elevator.
bulletTake the spare mirror from that room.


bulletTo the left of the lighted mirror is a display where you can find another spare mirror.
bulletPlace one of the mirrors on a pedestal on the other side of the first pillar.
bulletA second pillar will rise.
bulletTurn the first pillar, so it shines on this second one.
bulletTurn the second pillar, to shine on a door just left of where you found the first mirror.
bulletTwo doors open, and the light beam shines on another mirror.
bulletYou can  also reach this door with the first mirror, but only one door will open.

bulletTurn that mirror to the left to the nearby room for some extra crytals.
bulletTurn it the other way into a long hall, until it hits another mirror.
bulletGo there.



bulletThis room contains 3 vaned mirrors, one of which is already lighted.
bulletShoot at the vanes to turn the mirror.
bulletTurn the 1st one to the one next to the door.
bulletTurn that one on the remaining mirror.
bulletTurn that 3rd mirror to shine on the door, crossing the previous light beams.
bulletFollow the light.


Cutscene: Long bridge. Pey'j.

bulletChange the pattern of the light beam 3 times, so it covers the outermost wall around Pey'j.
bullet1st time: outside circle, skip none.
bullet2nd time: skip 1 pillar.
bullet3rd time: skip 2 pillars.

bulletAction button: HH destroys the shell.
bulletCutscene: Pey'j is dead.

bulletLeave the room by squeezing through the door opening.
bulletGo to 2 guards near a transport tube. Kill them.
bulletGo down the tube.
bulletGo inside the door on the right side of the building.


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bulletA set of transport tubes.
bulletYou need to get from the bright blue to the bright green.
bulletCutscene: the people of Hillys.
bulletTake the mission picture of the general talking to the Domz.


bulletRetrace your steps all the way to where HH is waiting.
bulletGo back across the long bridge towards the Beluga.

Continue the Selene mission part 2

Page last modified: September 18, 2011

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G-2b, playing the fast game. 

BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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