play/stop MP3
 | Use the stellar drive to go to the moon. |
 | Cutscene: Moonbase. |

 | Enter through the transmitter base. |
 | Cutscene: landing.
 | Take the AP1 from the vending machine. |

 | At the wall with the raised bridge, jump up the several steps until you
can't go any further. |
 | Action button, to have the crate come to you. |
 | Jump up, action button, jump down when the crate is above the spaceship. |

 | Walk to the top of the Beluga. |
 | Look for the push button in a corner, under a hanging crate.
 | Shoot the button, to get this crate come to the Beluga. |
 | Stand close to the crate,
 | shoot the button again, |
 | jump up before the crate starts moving. |
 | jump off when the crate is down. |
 | Go to the other side of the platform and turn the wheel to get the bridge
down. |
 | Go to the other side of the landing room. |

 | Action button to go down to the Domz base. |
 | Go to the end of the hallway, to the pillar with the lighted mirror. |
 | Turn the lighted mirror, so the light beam shines into the long corridor
you just came from.
 | This opens the door behind the elevator. |
 | Take the spare mirror from that room. |

 | To the left of the lighted mirror is a display where you can find
another spare mirror. |
 | Place one of the mirrors on a pedestal on the other side of the first
 | A second pillar will rise. |
 | Turn the first pillar, so it shines on this second one. |
 | Turn the second pillar, to shine on a door just left of where you found
the first mirror.
 | Two doors open, and the light beam shines on another mirror. |
 | You can also reach this door with the first mirror, but only
one door will open. |

 | Turn that mirror to the left to the nearby room for some extra crytals. |
 | Turn it the other way into a long hall, until it hits another mirror. |
 | Go there. |

 | This room contains 3 vaned mirrors, one of which is already lighted. |
 | Shoot at the vanes to turn the mirror.
 | Turn the 1st one to the one next to the door. |
 | Turn that one on the remaining mirror. |
 | Turn that 3rd mirror to shine on the door, crossing the previous light
beams. |
 | Follow the light. |

Cutscene: Long bridge. Pey'j.
 | Change the pattern of the light beam 3 times, so it covers the outermost
wall around Pey'j.
 | 1st time: outside circle, skip none. |
 | 2nd time: skip 1 pillar. |
 | 3rd time: skip 2 pillars. |

 | Action button: HH destroys the shell. |
 | Cutscene: Pey'j is dead. |

 | Leave the room by squeezing through the door opening. |
 | Go to 2 guards near a transport tube. Kill them. |
 | Go down the tube. |
 | Go inside the door on the right side of the building. |

 | A set of transport tubes.
 | You need to get from the bright blue to the bright green. |
 | Cutscene: the people of Hillys. |
 | Take the mission picture of the general talking to the Domz. |
 | Retrace your steps all the way to where HH is waiting. |
 | Go back across the long bridge towards the Beluga. |
Page last modified:
September 18, 2011

G-2b, playing the fast game.
BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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