> 3000 Ave Marias -- Songs of Sharon -- Remi Ghesquiere -- St-Basil's Hymnal --  PROJIMO -- Computer Games

The Beluga
Home Up BGAE Intro Hovercraft repair Black Isle 1 Black Isle 2 Pedestrian District Nutripils Factory Nutripils factory 2 Nutripils Factory 3 Slaughterhouses: entry Surveillance Room North Wing East Wing and exit. Exit. The Beluga Mini-Missions Selene 1 Selene2 Endgame.


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Raising the Beluga:

play/stop MP3   

bulletAt this point HH will suggest that you go back to the lighthouse to look for the spaceship.
bulletYou can find the spaceship, but
bulletyou will not be able to raise it without the second flight stabilizer,
bulletwhich you can buy already at Mammago's BEFORE you go there.
bulletIt would be the last opportunity in the game to see the lighthouse undamaged, with the children still there ...


bulletGo to Mammago’s garage and buy the Stabilizer. (-20=0 pearls left.)
bulletBuying the stabilizer triggers the destruction of the lighthouse.


bulletCutscene: lighthouse destroyed.
bulletGo to the lighthouse. 
bulletEnter the rightmost bedroom.

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bulletCutscene: Woof, you were wrong.  

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The scene ends with Jade entering the first code. You do not need to repeat this. 

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bulletTake a picture of Woof Canis Canis (48)
bulletThis will give you the film6 pearl. (#28 = 1)
bulletand in the other bedroom on the ledge you'll find the otter Lutra Erectra (49).
bulletIf you didn't take it earlier in the game, pick up the PA1 in the bathroom now.
bulletLeave the lighthouse.


bulletCutscene: 3 flying robots. 
bulletTo avoid damage, run away sideways from the direction of fire. 
bulletWhen the robots stop firing, start charging Super-attack and hold.
bulletLet the robots get closer, and attack just before they would hit you.

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bulletGo to the hangar and enter the 2nd code.

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visit IRIS after slaughterhouses
α.Sect. Headquarters Star key door
α.Sect. Headquarters Star key door
lighthouse destroyed

bulletCutscene: Beluga WOW. 
bulletTake the MDisk and the stabilizer on the desk. 
bulletPlace the stabilizers in the Beluga. Board.
bulletBoard the ship.

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bulletCutscene: Beluga rises.
bulletAnother Domz serpent fight for another pearl (#73=2)
bulletThis one takes you all over Hillys.
bulletAgain, combine target lock and regular shooting for maximum damage. 

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bulletDuring this fight, you get a message from Ming-Tzu. He has another pearl for you!

Mini-mission: the volcano treasure.

bulletGo to Black Island
bulletDrop the hovercraft in the crater lake at the top. 

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bulletGo  inside the tunnel and dock.
bulletTake the Meca-Impulser and 2 boosts from the cabinet.

Take a picture of the glowing Aurelia Magnificens (50)  


Go in, kill all the crochax to take 15 pearls. (74->88=17). 


Leave the crater.

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Posted on YouTube:  




Take a picture of the remaining animals on Hillys: 

bulletIn case you missed any, check the animal detector to see where they might be.
bulletThe whale Megaptera Purpurea (51) outside the laser barrier behind Black Isle.
bulletThe skeleton of the Domz sea monster Teratosaurus Imperator (52) in a cave in the cliffs near Black Isle.
bulletYou can take this picture from within the Beluga, without dropping the hovercraft.
bulletthe flying Manta Ray Manta Cyanea (53) near the Nutripils Factory tower.

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bulletOn the other side of Hillys, a second flying Manta Ray past the Lighthouse barrier. (54)
bulletThe other whale  near Looter's cave 4. (55)


bulletShoot the floating crates for crystals  (hovercraft) or for boosters (Beluga).
bulletYou'll need as many boosters as you can get for record setting races.
bulletGo buy Ming-Tzu's 3rd and final pearl. (#66 = 18)


Posted on YouTube:  


return from Volcano
Akuda Bar puck game pearl #1
buy star drive
Ming Tzu pearl
Akuda Bar puck game pearl #2


bulletTo get the last animal picture, you need the space engine (30 pearls) and you are 12 pearls short.

===> Play the MINI-MISSIONS for up to 29 more pearls.

Page last modified: September 18, 2011

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G-2b, playing the fast game. 

BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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