Black Island mission, part 2.
play/stop MP3
 | Go back up and stand on the pressure plate. Jet boot attack. |
 | Jump down on the other side. |
 | Get on the box in the corner and kick the electric box.
Look up to take a picture of the flying Planaria Rupestris
(18). |

 | Push the button to open the door. |
 | Pey'j action button to cut the grate, go through. |
 | Zoom in quickly and take a picture of Nautilus Fluoreus
(19) before it disappears.
If you missed it, you'll get another chance later. |
 | Jump down and walk forward. |

Cutscene: Ms. Grace-of-an-ox.

 | Take a picture of the pincer monsters Palinurus
Rupestris (20) before you kill them. |
 | Walk around the corner and kill all the ones that come down. |
 | Try to knock one into the bridge. There are large crystals there, and a
game saving machine. |

Cutscene: club option.

 | If you did not succeed in taking a picture of the nautilus when you came
in, do it now. |
 | If you want to get the crystals or save your game before the boss fight,
go up the bridge.

 | Turn the wheel to lower the platform and go up. |
 | You can buy health food from the vending machine. |
 | Hit the anemones, and continue on. |
 | Hit the big standing one and then make Pey’j jump on it too (action
button) to squish it down, so you can pass. |
 | Move on. |

Cutscene: the lair.
Go to the edge and take a picture of the 2 "creatures" together. Send the
Black Island report.

Cutscene: the monster show.
 | As soon as you get control, take a picture of the monster
Pterolimax Gigantea (21). |

 | Use Pey’j jet boot attack as soon as the monster appears. That allows Jade
to close in and beat him up with all she has.
 | When the monster starts flying and if close enough,
beat him as he comes out or when he goes in the hole. |
 | When in the air, use super-attack to hit him in the face just before the
green flames reach Jade, and as often as possible thereafter. |
 | When Pey’j cries “He’s weakening,” you need only one more hit to finish
the fight. |

Cutscene: monster dies.

Cutscene: Mr. de Cadillac.

Continue to the
Pedestrian District.
Page last modified:
September 18, 2011

G-2b, playing the fast game.
BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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