play/stop MP3
 | Next to Ming-Tzu’s shop is an unmarked, unsecured door. |
 | Enter. |

 | Push the cabinet to the side and go through the hole. |

 | Roll under the first and then jump x2 over the next 2 yellow laser
barriers. |

All safeways, except for the very last one, are to the
right side of the belt.
 | In the next room, you come to a conveyor belt.
 | Jump down. |
 | Try jumping directly to the lowest belt instead of the visible one by
stepping off instead of running. |
 | Run against the direction of the belt to the safeway (little platform) on
the right. |

 | Cutscene: transit room.
 | 1st belt: go with the belt,
 | get off right at the safeway. |
 | Jump down. |
 | 2nd belt:
 | go with the belt to the safeway on the right. |
 | 3rd belt:
 | with the belt, |
 | over and under yellow laser, safeway right. |

 | 4th belt, with the belt,
 | again under over, |
 | do not use the safeway on the left (if you do, you’ll end
up on the 2nd belt again) but CONTINUE under the next yellow
laser to the safeway on the right. |

 | 5th belt: with the belt,
 | over, then under and over 2 close together, 2nd
safeway right. |
 | If you use 1st safeway, you end up on the 1st
belt again. |
 | 6th belt: AGAINST the belt, and there are those huge
ice-cream barrels coming down the line.
 | Jump down and run upstream to the closest safeway before a barrel gets
to you. |
 | Let the barrel go by, run to the next safeway. |
 | Repeat until you reach the top-most open safeway on the right. |
 | 7th belt: against the belt, with laser barriers this
 | Jump down and get on the safeway right next to you. |
 | Let the barrel go by and run upstream. |
 | Either take a running jump so you roll underneath the lasers, or
crouch when you are close and make a few forward rolls to get past the
laser. |
 | Start running and jump over the next laser. |
 | Get on the safeway on the right to let the barrel go by. |
 | Run upstream to the safeway on the left side. |

 | 8th belt: With the belt.
 | Jump down. |
 | Jump off sideways over the the yellow laser. |
 | Jump up the crates and take the pearl. (#16=??) |
 | Step on the moving belt and in the next room jump down to the room where
HH is still waiting. Leave this area.
Page last modified:
September 18, 2011

G-2b, playing the fast game.
BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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