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Alpha Sections Underground Quarters:

Pedestrian District,  Triangle key door. (3 pearls)

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bulletUse the key to enter the triangle key door. (Alpha Sections Underground Quarter.)
bulletPush the crate to the pipe to reveal a small hole. Go through. 

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bulletGo up and roll under the blue laser barrier to start a step-by-step obstacle course.  Drop down at the ladders. 
bullet1. Drop down when the lasers are powered down.

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bullet2. Drop down when the lasers are in the top left corner. (or jump anyway and take some damage to go faster.)

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bullet3. Wait for the two lasers to pass the screen, then crawl/roll to the next screen. 

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bullet4. Move when the 2 laser screens go down.  

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bullet5.Wall-hug to the left until blocked by the laser. When the laser to your left powers down, move again. The laser that is following will not touch you.  

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bullet6,7,8. Drop down. 
Jump over the laser when it comes towards you and go to the end of the ramp to jump down to the next level. These 3 laser beams move progressively faster as you go further down.

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bulletMove into the tunnel and past the blue lasers. Jump down to the next level. Jump over the laser beam.

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bulletCutscene: 2 guards + instakill robot. When a guard walks by to the left, roll forward to follow behind him. Keep to the outside of the room to avoid touching him. Crawl along behind him until you reach the ladder. Go up. 

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bulletRoll forward to the end of the crawlway. Shoot a disk at the button to switch off the lasers, and at the rats if there are any left. 
bulletGo back to the previous window to shoot another disk at a pushbutton to switch of the remaining lasers. Jump down and take the 3 pearls (#67->69=??) 

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bulletGo to the end of the corridor and push the door button. 
bullet1 guard.
bulletRoll forward to hide behind the chest.
bulletDon't bother with the guard, but shoot a disk at the push button on the left side of the room to open the door.
bulletLeave through the door on your right and go to the freight elevator. 

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bulletElevator: 6 guards + instakill robot.

Sneak behind the first crate. The elevator goes up. 
bulletThe places where the guards stand are announced by the glowing ladders on the wall.  
bullet1st = right. As soon as his eyebeam is under the floor, roll forward. 
bullet2nd = left.  As soon as his eyebeam is under the floor, roll back to hide behind the first crate, or go around this 2nd crate to hide on the other side. 
bullet3rd and 4th = right. Stay until the 4th guard can't see you, then roll quickly forward and hide behind the short side of the 2nd crate. If you were still behind the 2nd crate, you need to come to the short side at this time.

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bullet5th guard comes onto the elevator.
bulletIf he does not see you, he'll stand at the far end of the elevator with his back to you.
bulletIf he saw something, keep the crate between the guard and yourself when he inspects the platform.
bulletWhen he's satisfied, he'll leave and go back to his post. 
bullet6th guard = right. Stay where you are.

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bulletWhen the guard walks way, follow him. 
bulletIf the guard was alerted earlier, wait a moment before following. He may turn around suddenly.  
bulletIf he sees you, you're dead.

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bulletJump up the crate, go through the tunnel and kick the grate.
bulletHH is waiting at the other side. 
bulletPush the button to leave.
bulletYou exit through the door facing the newspaper vender.

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Page last modified: September 18, 2011

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G-2b, playing the fast game. 

BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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