The Nutripils Factory: Part 2.
play/stop MP3
 | If Pey'j still had extra PA1s, you will find ONLY ONE one the floor.
 | The rest is lost forever. I warned you! |
 | Push the crate against the door. Change direction to get it in front of
the door. |
 | Jump up and shoot a disk at the button to open the door.
 | (save?) |
 | You can read the MDisk that Pey'j gave you in the elevator. |
 | Kick to open the grate. Roll forward into the opening. Go forward and jump
up the ladder. |

Cutscene: guards everywhere.

 | Roll x2 to get to the corner. Change direction to get into the side
tunnel. |
 | Roll x3 to get past the guards and turn right. |
 | Roll x3 to get past the rats. Turn right and roll x2 to get out of the
tunnel. |
 | Jump down and get on the ledge. |

Note about Alpha Section guards:
 | The guards take a few seconds
after they notice you before they react and call the alarm.
 | In many situations, stealth -
and/or possibly a surprise run - will get you by them faster than
fighting. |
 | Crouching + rolling is much faster than walking, and the guards
will not notice you as quickly. |
 | The guards will not follow you
outside their own section.
 | If there is more than one guard, you can shoot a disk at the air
tank of the more distant one.
When another guard moves away to help, shoot him also.

Cutscene: blocked by the flames.
 | Step up to the railing and shoot the 3 buttons in quick succession from
left to right. |
 | Go up to the red lasers. (save?) HH action button. Move on. |

Cutscene: Achilles heel.
 | Run around the corner. Jump up the ladder on the left and up and
over the platform. |
 | Jump down and kick the guard. |
 | Move on through the door, |

 | Jump down and move forward. Kill the rats as needed. |
 | When the camera angle changes, take a left turn out of the room up the
crates to the Nutripills vat. |

Cutscene: entering room.

Cutscene: What have they done with you?
Cutscene: across the room.

 | Unhook. 
 | Run-jump over and roll under the electric arcs. |
 | Exit to the left. (save?) |

 | Move along the ledge to the platform. |
 | Shoot the button and step on the platform. Shoot the button and crouch
down. Roll into the opening. |

Cutscene: no longer human.
 | Go to the end of the pier to take a picture of the alpha guard. Mission
complete. |
 | Return and take the corridor to the right. Roll around the corner and up
under the little wall. |

 | The square key gives you access to:
 | the shed behind Nouri's shop |
 | the alpha sections underground quarters in the forbidden channel |
 | many doors throughout the game.

 | Switch off the lasers and return to routing. |
 | Open the door with the square key and you’ll find yourself at the other
side of the X-ray verification room. |
 | (save?) |

Continue with the Nutripils Factory,
part 3.
Page last modified:
September 18, 2011
G-2b, playing the fast game.
BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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