The Slaughterhouses mission consists of several parts:
The Slaughterhouses Mission, part 1: Getting in.
play/stop MP3

 | 3 defense mines.
 | You can shoot (no target lock) the floating iron crate into the first
defense mine, OR... |

 | Wait near the fence until the detection drone is between you and the
Push the pedal to the metal and drive through the light a bit off-center.
 | If you go dead center, the torpedo will drop right on top of you.
 | Keep speeding into the tunnel and go close by the defense mine.
 | The torpedo will blow up the mine. |
 | Repeat as needed until all 3 mines have been destroyed.
 | The last one will be a close call, just slam the hovercraft into
the wall to the right of the last mine. |

 | After the second mine, you can take a shortcut back to the pond by
jumping through an opening over the pipe. |
 | Shoot the floating metal crate into the mines ahead, or jump through the
hole between 2 pipes to get to the landing area. |
 | Dock. Go into the room. |

 | Domz Sarcophagi.
 | This is your last chance in the game to take a picture of them if you
haven’t done that yet. |
 | Use super-attack x2 to kill them. |
 | Walk between the doors and push to either side to open them. (save?) |

 | Return to the hovercraft. |
 | Line up with the room, full speed ahead and jump right into the room and
through the doors at the other end. 
 | Rotating lasers.
 | Bulldoze through and over them to he other side of the room and exit.
You’ll take some minimal damage, but it is way faster than trying to avoid
the beams. |

 | Fan and many mines.
 | Let the fan blow you to the left, and jump over the row of mines ahead. |
 | Head towards the bottom of the ramp and jump right up the lower part to
avoid the mines at the bottom. |
 | Go up. At the top, steer at 45 degrees and release speed intermittently
to avoid the mines at the top. |
 | In the quiet area, head between the venting hole and the wall to a pond
full of mines. Line up with the middle one in front of the door, full speed
ahead and jump over it towards the wall at the end.
If you do that right you'll make it to the end wall without damage and you
can move sideways (keep the speed on) towards the door. |
 | Take the hit or jump if there is still a mine between you and the door.
When in front of the door, jump. |

 | Shoot a disk at the pushbutton in the office at the other side of the room
high above the gate. |
 | Board the hovercraft and go underneath the gate. |
 | Cutscene: trapped.
Move on around the corner and turn right at the end. |

Continue with The Slaughterhouses, part
2: The Surveillance Room.
Page last modified:
September 18, 2011

G-2b, playing the fast game.
BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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