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Vorax Liar
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Vorax Lair.   (1 pearl)

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(Strangely enough there’s not a Vorax in sight here, only Crochax).  

 This mission can be accessed early in the game, immediately after leaving the Black Isle mission.

bulletIn that case, Pey'j will be with Jade.
bulletAfter the Nutripils factory mission, HH will be Jade's sidekick.


bulletGo up the beach behind the Mammago garage. Dock.
bulletAction button to open the grate. Follow the crochax.
bulletAction button to pop up the pincer bugs, knock one into the bridge and move on. 

1864.jpg (53313 bytes) 1868.jpg (68757 bytes) 1871.jpg (43846 bytes) 1873.jpg (115656 bytes) 1876.jpg (91153 bytes)

bulletAction button to pop up the armored jellies.
bulletKnock them into the 2 bridges.
bulletIf you didn't manage that, use the orange bell flower. 

1879.jpg (82238 bytes) 1880.jpg (106829 bytes) 1883.jpg (105444 bytes) 1884.jpg (98948 bytes) 1885.jpg (96159 bytes)

bulletLeft bridge,
bulletAction button to bring down the next bridge. 

1886.jpg (95793 bytes) 18860.jpg (99048 bytes) 1887.jpg (97112 bytes) 1888.jpg (83372 bytes) 

bulletReturn and go across the other bridge.
bulletKill all the crochax to take the 1 pearl. (#12=..)

1889.jpg (67540 bytes) 1893.jpg (96150 bytes) 1894.jpg (89840 bytes) 1895.jpg (87711 bytes) 

bulletPick up the PA1 on the way out. That will restore you to full health. 

1897.jpg (55958 bytes) 1898.jpg (72745 bytes) 

Page last modified: September 18, 2011

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G-2b, playing the fast game. 

BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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