> 3000 Ave Marias -- Songs of Sharon -- Remi Ghesquiere -- St-Basil's Hymnal --  PROJIMO -- Computer Games

Black Isle 2
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Black Island mission, part 2.

play/stop MP3 

bulletGo back up and stand on the pressure plate. Jet boot attack. 
bulletJump down on the other side. 
bulletGet on the box in the corner and kick the electric box.
Look up to take a picture of the flying Planaria Rupestris (18). 

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bulletPush the button to open the door.
bulletPey'j action button to cut the grate, go through.
bulletZoom in quickly and take a picture of Nautilus Fluoreus (19) before it disappears. 
If you missed it, you'll get another chance later.
bulletJump down and walk forward.

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Posted on YouTube:  


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Cutscene: Ms. Grace-of-an-ox.   0230.jpg (47489 bytes) 0232.jpg (38269 bytes)

bulletTake a picture of the pincer monsters Palinurus Rupestris (20) before you kill them. 
bulletWalk around the corner and kill all the ones that come down.
bulletTry to knock one into the bridge. There are large crystals there, and a game saving machine.

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Cutscene: club option.  0236.jpg (75591 bytes)

bulletIf you did not succeed in taking a picture of the nautilus when you came in, do it now. 
bulletIf you want to get the crystals or save your game before the boss fight, go up the bridge.


bulletTurn the wheel to lower the platform and go up. 
bulletYou can buy health food from the vending machine.

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bulletHit the anemones, and continue on. 
bulletHit the big standing one and then make Pey’j jump on it too (action button) to squish it down, so you can pass.
bulletMove on.

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Cutscene: the lair. 
Go to the edge and take a picture of the 2 "creatures" together. Send the Black Island report.

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Cutscene: the monster show.  0244.jpg (59849 bytes) 0245.jpg (74077 bytes) 0246.jpg (56609 bytes) 0249.jpg (84253 bytes)

bulletAs soon as you get control, take a picture of the monster Pterolimax Gigantea (21)

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bulletUse Pey’j jet boot attack as soon as the monster appears. That allows Jade to close in and beat him up with all she has.

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bulletWhen the monster starts flying and if close enough,  beat him as he comes out or when he goes in the hole. 
bulletWhen in the air, use super-attack to hit him in the face just before the green flames reach Jade, and as often as possible thereafter. 
bulletWhen Pey’j cries “He’s weakening,” you need only one more hit to finish the fight.

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Cutscene: monster dies. 0265.jpg (58107 bytes) 0269.jpg (50823 bytes)

bulletTake the pearl. (#10=3)


Cutscene: Mr. de Cadillac. 
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Posted on YouTube:  


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bulletTake a picture of seagulls Larus Albus (22) that are flying overhead (in daytime only).

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bulletGo back inside, and take a right turn towards the waterfall.
Jump up the large pipe  and go inside.
bulletTake a picture of the armored insects Astacus Erectus (23). 
bulletYou can find a starkos, and a booster in this room.

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bulletPey’j action button to open the grate. Go to the end of the pipe. 
bulletZoom in on the giant slug Papilio Pilosus (24) across the room to gets you the film3  pearl. (#7=4). 
bulletYou have less than a second after you zoom in to take the picture.
bulletIf you miss it, zoom out, and zoom in again when the slug reappears.
bulletIf you keep the lens zoomed in, you get a “bad framing” or other error message and you will not be able to take the picture. 

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bulletJump down. Take the PA1 from the cabinet.
bulletJump down. Take a picture of the field armadillo Priodontes Campestris (25). 
bulletGet into the hovercraft and go to the Pedestrian District.

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Continue to  the Pedestrian District.

Page last modified: September 18, 2011

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G-2b, playing the fast game. 

BGAE music: ©2004 - UBISoft Montreal - Christophe Heral
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