PROJIMO-Duranguito is located about 20 km. east of
Coyotitan, near the coastal town of Dimas.
In many ways (e.g. remoteness, limited resources, problems and struggles for
independence) PROJIMO Duranguito is a closer match to the Ajoya project than
PROJIMO Coyotitan. 
PROJIMO Skills Training and Work Program
The PROJIMO Skills Training and Work Program—which was until
2002 based in the village of Ajoya—has now moved to the small, peaceful
village of Duranguito. The team, made up of disabled persons and local
village youth, has built a permanent workshop on land donated by the
As per December 2006, there was no separate housing as
yet. The project workers live in the back rooms of the workshop.
The goal of the PROJIMO Skills Training and Work Program is
to achieve ECONOMIC SELF-SUFFICIENCY for disabled and non-disabled village
youth. While reaching this goal has taken longer than originally planned,
impressive progress has been made.
The main activity of the PROJIMO Skills Training and Work
Program is the Children's Wheelchair Project.
Thanks to contracts with DIF = the Mexico public health organization,
PROJIMO Duranguito has now essentially become self-sufficient (apart from
its building needs).
The PROJIMO Skills Training and Work Program is also
planning to start in Duranguito a Toy Making and Crafts shop, such as it had
in Ajoya.
PROJIMO Duranguito (in contrast to PROJIMO
Coyotitan) is very actively engaged in setting up new shops in other
locations and training community-based craftspersons in different states.
Gabriel Zepeda (formerly of PROJIMO Duranguito) has helped to train
disabled workers and/or to set up wheelchair shops in various places,
including Michoacan, Veracruz, Guatemala, and in Tepic, Nayarit; Nogales,