green chile & mushroom sauce


This recipe is a cross between the Belgian “Vol-au-vent,” chicken pot pie and chicken enchiladas. It can easily be adjusted in any of those directions if you want the ‘pure’ recipe. I used this sauce for a chicken casserole.

I did not use canned mushroom soup like many people do for enchilada sauce here in New Mexico, but started a white roux from scratch, which makes this sauce béchamel-derived.

I didn't have fresh mushrooms in the house, used canned straw mushrooms instead. II'll try not to repeat that in the future. Fresh ones do taste better. 


This is what you need for 1 quart:

  • ½  lb. mushrooms, preferably fresh
  • 2 cups béchamel or velouté sauce
    milk or chicken / beef stock
  • green chile to taste
  • optional:
    • ½ lb. peas & carrots mix
    • ½  lb. gooey-melting cheese or mix, grated
Pic1:green chile & mushroom sauce
with peas & carrots



Velouté sauces like this are wonderful for smothering fries.


Pic2: mushrooms, milk
Pic3: pureed
Pic4: blonde roux, add liquid


Pic5: add mushrooms
Pic6: add green chile
Pic7: chicken casserole