various dates
All chicken sausages I have seen appear to be made with mystery meat, similar to wieners and the like. The meat does not have any structure and flavor is either non-existent or artificial. The manufacturers add all kinds of things to remedy that and make it somewhat more palatable. Not my favorite kind of sausages, but that is my personal opinion.
Marielos likes wieners and this type of sausages, which means they do keep appearing on the menu.
various dates
These sausages have a very strong smell which definitely is not spinach. Asiago is a strong-flavored—and apparently strong-smelling— cow's milk cheese originally made in northern Italy. The more I eat these, the more offensive this smell seems to become.
various dates
A bit similar to cheddar brats, but with wiener-type mystery meat and about the same flavor.
various dates
My one and only experiment with deep-frying sausages. All the cheese had leaked out and the sausage was too dry to my liking. The pan-fried sausage did not have that problem, but was nevertheless not very palatable too. Chicken mystery meat sausages just are not my thing. See also deep-fried sausages.