Beef tongue pot pie, without the pie


I am trying to figure out what to do with that extra-strongly flavored Pressure-cooked Beef Tongue, besides the traditional sauces and tacos de lengua.

The tongue has a stronger flavor than chicken, so meat pie might be a possibility. I don’t bother with the pie part; just serve it as a stew with more sauce than for a pie. For actual meat pie, reduce the amount of soup/sauce and add additional thickener.

This recipe can also be prepared with chicken or any other meat.


This is what you need for 2 servings:

  • 1 lb. beef tongue
    optional: pressure-cooked
  • 1 cup Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup
    OR make it from scratch
  • 1 cup frozen peas & carrots mix
Pic1: not a true pot pie filling


Pic2: tongue in broth
Pic3: cut small
Pic4: refry

Pic5: add to 'soup'
Pic6: stir
Pic7: add peas & carrots

To make an actual meat pie:


Pic8+9: real pie filling is not pourable