The vow is made and we be-long to Ma-ry,
Af-ter her Son, to her we give our love,
Life is but short to of-fer in her ser-vice,
E-ven in death, our lo-yal life we'll prove.
The vow is made, we'll break it ne-ver,
Mo-ther of God,
the vow is made, we'll break it ne-ver,
Mo-ther of God, we're thine for-e-ver. |
The vow is made, it is be-fore
thine al-tar,
And here we give our hearts and soul to thee,
Ma-ry, re-trace thy gen-tle i-mage on them,
Ma-ry!, Thine own, o let them e-ver be!
The vow is made be-fore the throne of Je-sus,
An-gels have lis-tened to its trem-bling tones.
Ma-ry, their Queen, has looked with eyes of mer-cy,
On those whom now she as her chil-dren owns.