
Passiflora ( aka passion vine, passion flower, passion fruit) is a plant family that has mostly tropical varieties, but one variety is native to the

hardy passiflora


Passiflora incarnata, commonly known as maypop, purple passionflower, true passionflower, wild apricot, and wild passion vine, is a fast-growing perennial vine with climbing or trailing stems.

A member of the passionflower genus Passiflora, the maypop has large, intricate flowers with prominent styles and stamens. One of the hardiest species of passionflower, it is both found as a wildflower in the southern United States and in cultivation for its fruit and striking bluish purple blooms.

The fleshy fruit, also referred to as a maypop, is an oval yellowish berry about the size of a hen egg; it is green at first, but then becomes yellow as it matures. 



This is what you need:

  • passion vine
  • trellis
Pic1: maypop


2020 season

Pic2-4: flowers and fruit


Pic5-7: juicing the seeds

b. tropical passiflora

Occasionally, tropical passion fruit may be available in stores.
They're usually quite expensive, this far from their natural habitat.

I bought a few at Sprouts in Las Cruces. They were still fresh enough to make juice with.
I cleaned the seeds to grow them next year. Hopefully I can get a few fruits off of them before they freeze.


This is what you need:

  • 2 tropical passion fruits
Pic8: tropical passion fruit



Pic9-11: juicing the seeds