
1999 to date

Mint is a perennial herb that is very hardy once it has been established. It multiplies vegetatively  by rhizomes that spread underground and may become invasive when it is comfortable in its location.

It tends to overwhelm other plants in the shady part of my flower garden. Luckily it does not like the full desert sun and has not spread beyond that one shady corner. 


This is what you need:

  • mint rhizomes for planting
    OR buy a pot with mint
Pic1: flowering mint

b. mint tea

various dates

If you want to use your garden mint for tea, harvest the stems and leaves before the flowers begin to show. Once it begins blooming, mint becomes unpleasantly bitter.

Tie the stems together and hang to dry in a dark, well-ventilated location. Once dry, remove the leaves from the stems for easier storage and discard the stems.

Beware: some mint varieties give the tea an unpleasant taste if the water is too hot. For those mint varieties, consider steeping the leaves in lukewarm water or make sun tea by placing a glass container with the leaves and cold water in the sun.


This is what you need for 4 cups:

  • 4 cups of water
  • 2-4 tsp. dry mint leaves
  • sugar or other sweetener
Pic2: Moroccan mint tea is served very hot and very sweet
internet picture



Pic3: with fresh mint leaves
Pic4+5: with dried mint leaves


Pic6+7: mint and ginger