witloof soup


Witloof soup is the only thing left I can think of. This is it..

I used nearly 4 lbs. of witloof for this. When you stew witloof until it starts caramelizing—yes, the same as I do with onions for onion soup—there won't be much left over. This is not pretty white cream of endive. I caramelized the endive. That causes it to darken, but it also makes it sweeter.

Considering that Belgian endive costs $4/lb. this is not a cheap soup.


This is what you need for 3 quarts:

  • 4 lbs. quality witloof
  • 4 potatoes, peeled, diced.
  • up to 2 qts. stock / bouillon
  • S&P, spices of choice.
Pic1: endive & potato soup



Pic2: prime quality witloof
Pic3: peel the leaves, discard the core
Pic4: melt butter


Pic5: stew uncovered
Pic6: caramelize
Pic7: blend

loaded witloof soup


Leftover day again, this time of 3 different meals of the past week: the witloof soup above, endive with ham & cheese béchamel sauce and hunter's sauce. The latter two can easily be substituted with bacon, ham, cheese, mushrooms and cream.

Witloof remains the dominant slightly-bitter flavor.


This is what you need for 2 quarts:

  • 2 lbs. endive
  • butter / endive
  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 slices bacon, chopped small
  • 4 slices ham, chopped small
  • 8 oz. mushrooms, sliced


  • up to 1 cup heavy cream.
Pic8: loaded witloof soup



Pic9: witloof soup, endive with ham & cheese sauce = endive, ham, cheese
Pic10: hunter's sauce = bacon, mushrooms, cream
Pic11: extra ham


Pic12: extra cheese
Pic13: simmer
Pic14: served


did you know ...

that when you fry small pieces of ham, they can pop and jump just like pop-corn does?
Wear eye protection when you try this.