chipotle curry tomato sauce


The familiar curry spices in a completely new environment with a chipotle mule kick. Life is good.

Chipotle is available in several forms in local grocery stores and online:

  1. Chipotle powder is available in dry spices isle in most grocery stores.
  2. Liquid chipotle sauces are available in several brand names and varieties.
  3. Chipotle puree/sauce or whole chipotles in adobo sauce is available canned under several brand names. The local stores favor the La Costeña brand.


This will not be a quick menu item if you have to wait for the chicken gizzards to cook. That takes hours. For other dishes, substitute water or chicken broth, or don’t add broth at all.


Pic1: simmering down tomatoes
Pic2: served


This is what you need for 2 servings:

  • 4-6 tomatoes, chopped small
    or 6-oz. can tomato paste
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • ½ onion, chopped small
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • curry powder
  • chipotle powder
  • 2 tbsp. parsley
  • olive oil
  • S&P


Chipotle is available in several forms in local grocery stores and online:

  1. Chipotle powder is available in dry spices isle in most grocery stores and online.
  2. Liquid hot sauces with chipotle are available in several brand names and varieties.
  3. Chipotle puree/sauce or whole chipotles in adobo sauce is available canned under several brand names. The local stores favor the La Costeña brand.


Pic: chipotle varieties:
1+2. powdered, 3. hot sauce, 4. canned chipotle in adobo sauce 5. pureed chipotle sauce