For reference only
Truite au bleu = blue trout.
This is a visual effect that can only be realized with very fresh—as in live in the fish tank, knock 'em over the head and gut them fresh—trout that should not even be washed before they are soaked in vinegar that turns them blue. The trout are then slowly poached in a court-bouillon.
Find the recipe on THIS PAGE.
Excerpt from The Sacred Hill by Maurice Barrès (1913)
Recipe for 4 servings
• 4 rainbow trout
• 40 cl (13.5 oz.) white wine + 15 cl (5 oz.) for the sauce
• 2 carrots
• 2 onions
• 2 shallots
• 2 garlic cloves
• 1 bunch flat parsley
• 40 g (1.4 oz., about 3 tablespoons) salt
• Freshly ground white pepper
• 20 g butter (0.7 oz., about 1 ½ tablespoons)
• 50 cl (17 oz., about 1 ¾ cups) crème fraîche or heavy cream
• Chives
Preparing the trout:
• Have your fishmonger clean the trouts, with heads on but gills off.
• Rinse them well without scrubbing the skin too much (keep it shiny), and remove red spots along the central bone. Preparing the Bouillon
• Peel and slice the carrots into rounds. Peel and chop the onions and the garlic cloves.
• Pour the white wine in a pan with 40 cl (13 oz.) water. Add the carrots, onion, garlic, parley and half the salt. Add pepper and bring to a boil. Let this bouillon cook for 30 minutes on very low heat.
• Strain the bouillon and set it aside to cool down.
• Dissolve the remaining salt with vinegar in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and reserve.
• Lay the trouts in a skillet or pan large enough to fit all four.
• Cover them with the boiling salted vinegar, then add the cooled bouillon. Put the skillet on the burner and cook on very low heat for 10 minutes. Preparing the sauce
• Sweat the shallots in butter, without browning them. Add the remaining white wine (15 cl).
• Cook until the wine has completely evaporated. • Add the crème fraîche/heavy cream. • Add pepper to taste, but do not salt.
• Reduce the sauce until it reaches a creamy consistency, stirring regularly.
• Season to taste. Finishing touches
• Drain the trout, set them on a plate and cover with sauce, or serve the sauce separately in a gravy boat. Sprinkle with finely chopped chives.
• The fish can be served with steamed vegetables, spinach or buttered new potatoes.
Bon Appétit !