This is what you need for 4-6 servings:
- skate / ray wings 2 lbs.
- 1 large white onion
- 1-2 cups vinegar
- salt
- 1-3 bay leaves
- 10 peppercorns, 2 cloves
- other spices of your choice
- bouquet garni (thyme, celery, ...)
no date
'Rog in 't zuur' or 'rog in zure gelei' is a Flemish traditional recipe that has its origin in the fact that ray (skate) wings spoil very quickly without proper refrigeration. Even when kept on ice, they can get a very unpleasant ammonia small by the next day. Fishmongers who did not sell all their stock pickled them in sour aspic by evening, to be able to keep them a few days longer. This dish is served cold.
This is a recipe from and by the Flemish working people.
It isn't fancy, but it did serve its purpose to preserve a very fragile fish for several days without refrigeration. And it tastes quite good too, which makes it worth repeating even now when we do have adequate refrigeration!
The ray wings that are sold in Belgium (or at any harbor fish market in the US) can be a lot bigger than the skate wings that I buy frozen online here in the US. They have a substantial cartilage skeleton that remains intact after cooking.
This recipe has been translated & adapted from the "Dagelijkse Kost" ( = daily chow) recipe by Jeroen Meuse, who is the most popular TV chef in Flanders. The pictures in the recipe were screen captured from Jeroen's video on that page.
For a variation without gelatin, see my sour tapioca skate wing recipe.
This is what you need for 4-6 servings:
All pictures below were borrowed from the internet