salmon mousse


Salmon mousse is a very popular appetizer for formal occasions. Yet, it is so easy to make that you really should try it just for the sake of trying something new.

This recipe can be made with fresh cooked salmon (my preference) as well as with cold- or hot-smoked salmon. Even canned salmon will do in a pinch.

Each of these has its own distinct flavor – hot-smoked by far the strongest - and that flavor will be reflected in the mousse. Most recipes use equal amounts of fresh-baked or poached salmon and cream cheese, but reduce hot-smoked salmon to half.

Adjust the amount of salmon in the recipe accordingly to your taste. Do taste.

There wasn't anything visually appealing to photograph while making this and it still didn’t look like much when done. Presentation is everything. The internet has done that so much nicer than I even would want to try, so I borrowed some pictures. The source pages of Pic1-3 seem to have disappeared since I downloaded the pictures.


This is what you need for2 cups:

  • 8 oz. salmon
    baked / poached / cold-smoked 
  • 8 oz. of cream cheese
  • S&P
  • ½ lime, juiced
  • optional:
    • heavy cream, mayo or horseradish sauce
    • 1 tbsp. chives
    • fresh dill
Pic1: salmon mousse canapé



Pic2: salmon mousse dip
Pic3: molded mousse
Pic4: salmon mousse terrine