This is what you need for 4 servings:
- 1 rotisserie chicken
- 1 jar applesauce of your preference
other side dishes of your preference
- potato salad
- coleslaw
- ...
2019-09-11 a.o.
This aren't really recipes, just a reminder that it's OK to take a day off from kitcheneering.
You don't have to slave in front of that hot stove every single day.
2019-09-11 a.o.
This was a rotisserie chicken from a local store. Yes, I buy that occasionally when I see it in the store and I get that craving for chicken, but don't want to do any cooking. And when I don't want to cook, the rest goes easy too.
This combination always reminds me of my university days. Every other week, the restaurant served "kip op grootmoeders wijze' = 'my grandmother's chicken,' which was a chicken leg in brown sauce and it always came with applesauce.
This is what you need for 4 servings:
Cold chicken is a favorite item for picnics and quick meals. Why bother warming it up again when cold chicken is quite delicious also. I usually have leftovers when I buy a rotisserie chicken, and those are often used for chicken salad or a cold dish like this one.