This is what you need for each serving:
1 pair per person
no pun intended - olive oil
- S&P
various dates
See also: Parting a Bird.
Unlike with mammals, bird testicles do not descend and remain inside the body. They are located high in the body cavity behind the stomach, and look like whitish oversize kidneys.
I have harvested rooster and drake testicles from the animals I raised in my backyard.
aka duck fries, aka white kidneys
I processed some of my ducks today: six Pekins, one
Duck testicles can be purchased online for about $15/lb. and are sold as a big restaurant delicacy at about $150/lb. (hint, hint)
The flavor reminds me of beef or pork brains, with the same creamy texture. I loved that stuff as a kid. It is too bad that brains are no longer considered safe for consumption since Mad Cow disease.
This is what you need for each serving:
Pictures below were borrowed from the internet.
Rooster testicle stew is very popular in Hungary as a street vendor item and is often cooked together with cockscombs. (Pic9)
Compared to that, duck testicles appear to be more of a high-end luxury item for fancy restaurants.