mole chicken

2014-02-09 a.o.

Mole is a Mexican condiment that comes in many variations, each a specialty of a different part of Mexico. Sauces like mole, a.o. are a good way to add extra flavor to boiled chicken meat, but other chicken preparations will work too.

This is the brown or chocolate mole, which is the better-known variety in the USA.

I do serve this most often with or over rice.


Pic1: with rotisserie chicken breast
Pic2: with seared chicken breast as served at Disneyworld's Epcott San Angel Inn


This is what you need for 2 servings:

  • ½ cup rice, cooked
  • 1 lb. chicken meat,
    roast or boiled, pulled in strips
    OR use fresh chicken breast
  • 2 cups chocolate mole sauce
  • S&P


  • Prepare the Mole Sauce.
  • When you have the desired amount and thickness, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Pull the cooked chicken meat in fairly large pieces. (Pic1)
    Do not cut the meat, it doesn't look as nice.
  • If the meat hasn't been cooked yet, sear or stir-fry until fully cooked.

Serving suggestions:

  • Serve the sauce on the side.
  • Serve the chicken on a bed or rice and pour the mole sauce over it all. (Pic1+2)
  • Add the meat to the sauce (Pic4)
  • Mix with rice and shape it like a big dome. (Pic7)

b. A frequent flyer

I prepare chicken mole several times a year, most often as a convenient way to process leftover chicken.


Pic3-5: chicken, rice, mole

Yes, I think this is this special enough for my New Year's dinner.
I pulled cooked chicken meat, stirred it into the sauce and served it with raw and cooked celeriac.


Pic6: make sauce
Pic7: add chicken
Pic8: simmer


Pic9: serve with celeriac x2
Pic10: another day, mixed with rice 2014-02-09


Pic11-13: mole sauce


Pic14-16: chicken, mole


Pic17-19: rice, mole