skirt steak fajitas,  peas, carrots, potatoes


Not something I had tried before.

Skirt steak  is the inner layer of the diaphragm, a thin sheet of long muscle fibers that looks ideal for pulled meat aka 'carne deshebrada.' I bought one 5-lb. package during the Covid quarantine, divided it up in 3 smaller packages, and the other two were braised.

However, if you remove the tough sheets that enwrap the muscle, this can be a surprisingly tender cut. It is often used for stir-fry meat or fajita-like recipes: sear the meat at very high heat for only a few minutes. The outside may appear a bit scorched, but the inside is still juicy.

I did marinate the cut-up meat for several hours. It delayed the searing somewhat, but if the pan ish hot enough, it works out just fine.

This is one of the very few times that I use a super-heated cast-iron pan to get that sizzling-searing typical for fajitas. Do not try this with a non-stick pan. Super-heating non-stick causes toxic fumes that kill birds.


This is what you need for 2 servings:

  • 1 lb. skirt steak
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 8 oz. button mushrooms
  • 1/2 lb. peas & carrots
  • S&P, seasoning
Pic1: skirt steak fajitas,  peas &carrots, potatoes, mushrooms



Pic2-4: skirt steak


Pic5-7: searing fajitas in cast-iron pan


Pic8: peas & carrots, potatoes
Pic9+10: served