ravioli soup


This was another recycle-those-leftovers event for me, but as always, the recipe is described without the detour.

I used pasta broth and pre-cooked ravioli, but the ingredients are readily available fresh. The pasta broth can be made on the spot by cooking the pasta directly in the soup. The spinach ravioli can be replaced by your pasta of choice, white or alfredo sauce and fresh spinach.


This is what you need for 2 quarts / 4 servings:

  • ½ lb. spinach ravioli
  • ½ lb. broccoli florets
  • ½ lb. carrots, peeled, sliced
  • 2 celery stalks
  • S&P
  • optional: 
    • alfredo sauce
      • 1 cup cream
      • up to 2 cups parmesan, chopped small
    • garlic to taste
    • 1 jalapeño for some extra bite


  • Heat 1 qt. of water.
  • Add the chopped vegetables.
  • Simmer 20 minutes. (Pic5)
  • Add S&P a.o. seasoning to taste.
  • Add the ravioli and cook the recommended time on the package. (Pic6)
  • Remove from heat. Rest 5 minutes before serving.
  • Optional:
    • To add alfredo sauce flavor, stir in cream, garlic and parmesan.
    • Simmer for 5 minutes.
    • Blend the soup for a more uniform texture and flavor. (Pic3)


Pic4: my  ingredients
Pic5: cook the vegetables
Pic6: cook the ravioli


Pic1: little broth
Pic2: more broth
Pic3: blended