basil tomato soup


This is a classic tomato soup variation.

Basil is a very fragrant herb that is easy to grow at home, either in the garden or indoors in a small pot. That fragrance does appear to be rather fragile, and cooking destroys it. For best results, add the basil leaves shortly before serving, or add some to each plate after serving.

If you have not used fresh basil before, go easy, with small steps.

Besides basil, it also has onions, garlic and potatoes, which makes it heavier than simply tomatoes soup. Adding potatoes changes the color to orange instead of the deep red of tomatoes-only soup.

This soup is also delicious when served chilled.


This is what you need for 4 quarts = 8+ servings:

  • 4 lbs. tomatoes
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 large potato, peeled, diced
  • 10-30 fresh basil leaves
  • 4 tbsp. olive oil
  • S&P
  • optional:
    • 2 garlic cloves, diced or crushed
Pic1: basil tomato soup



Pic2: basil in my backyard garden
Pic3: basil leaves
Pic4: olive oil, onions


Pic5: tomatoes, halved
Pic6+7: simmer tomatoes with the onions


Pic8: add water
Pic9: dice the potatoes
Pic10: add potatoes


Pic11-13: finishing up


Pic14: served
Pic15: strain before storing
Pic16: ready for refrigeration
