split pea soup with meatballs


For aficionados only. Not everyone likes pea soup, and those who don't often dislike it with a passion.

Split peas take about 30 minutes to soften.
However, you'll need at least 60 minutes to make them fall apart if you want the thick pea soup.

I used 1 lb. of green split peas and 1/2 lb. of yellow ones, because that's what I happened to have in the house when I got the craving. Feel free to equalize quantities.

The recipe is simple enough: add water and boil until the peas fall apart. The staggered preparation ensures that the green peas are fully starched out while the yellow ones will be soft but still keep their shape. (Pic1)

Calorie counters and diabetics, BEWARE:
about 60% of the dry weight is pure carbohydrates = almost 10 oz. (274 g) per lb. (454 g)
Reduce the load by adding lots of water.


This is what you need for 3 quarts = 6+ servings:

  • 1 lb. green peas
  • 1 lb. yellow peas
  • S&P


  • 1 lb. ground meat
  • ham-flavor bouillon or 1/2 lb. smoked ham
Pic1: thick pea soup with meatballs


2021-08-01: green first, then yellow

Pic7: creamed pea soup
Pic8: ground meat
Pic9: add meatballs

start as green pea soup:

yellow split peas


cream of pea soup


Pic10: creamed pea soup
Pic11: add cream
Pic12: cream of pea soup

2021-08-02 a.o.

Pic13-15: refrigerate, reheat