duck soup with apples

Every time you cook a duck, you should also cook duck soup. It would be wasting a perfectly good duck carcass to forfeit a delicious soup.

a. duck soup with apples and Oriental mix vegetables


Duck and apples are a nice combination. The apples were cooked inside the duck, but I used the apples for the soup.


This is what you need for 4 quarts = 8 servings:

  •  duck carcass
  • 4 apples, cored, peeled, sliced
  • Extra vegetables
  • S&P, spices of your choice
Pic1: duck soup with apples and vegetables



Pic2: duck carcass
Pic3: add water, apples
Pic4: boil, simmer


Pic5: served, apples only
Pic6: add extra veggies
Pic7: served with veggies

b. beef tongue in duck soup


Leftovers of the above recipe combined with tamarindo beef tongue to get yet another meal soup.



Pic8: tamarindo beef tongue
Pic9+10: served with corn on the cob