This is what you need for 8 quarts = 16+ servings:
- 2-3 large chicken legs
- 2-4 green bell peppers
- up to 1/2 head celery
- 1 large onion
- 4-6 small grey zucchinis
- S&P
- 2-4 lbs. tomatoes / 1 qt. tomato sauce
- diced chipotle
The tomatoes are optional. I had more tomato sauce than I needed that day and added some to the soup.
Do taste without the tomatoes first. It is quite good already as a green vegetable soup.
The tomatoes change the overall flavor considerably and once they're in, there's no turning back.
This is what you need for 8 quarts = 16+ servings:
chicken soup:
The Cajun trinity
I stewed the vegetables only minimally to avoid cooking it all to death. This way, all the vegetables still had their individual flavors when I added them to the soup and were flavorful enough to be served as a side dish with the meal.
soup again:
Serving suggestion:
Since store-bought chicken legs are usually young fryers, I no longer boil the chicken legs to death in the soup. I only parboil them, 10-15 minutes, depending on their size. That way the soup has a definite chicken flavor but the chicken legs still have a lot of flavor left in them. I then finish the chicken legs either in the oven or frying pan. It is not the same as a fryer chicken, but a close enough approximation to still be enjoyable.
This was a generous meal with several vegetable side dishes.
I did not want the soup vegetables overcooked because I intended to serve them with the meal.
This is what you need for 2-4 servings: