This is what you need for 4 servings:
- 2 bunches of chervil (1 lb.)
- 1 cup spinach, chopped
- 1 small potato, diced
- 6" leek white, chopped
- ½ medium white onion
- 1 qt. chicken stock
- ½ lb. ground meat, veal or pork
- olive oil
- S&P
This is a traditional Belgian recipe.
Chervil is a relative of parsley and cilantro. Chervil has a very delicate flavor that is destroyed by overlong cooking, freezing and drying. It also has such a short shelf-life when fresh that it is never available in the stores here in small-town America.
The only way I could ever enjoy real chervil soup is to grow it myself. Unfortunately, chervil requires temperate cool weather to grow well, and we don's see much of that here in the NM desert. It's either freezing or blazing hot and neither of those work for delicate chervil. So sadly enough, the closest I have been to the real thing are the commercial packages which are rather poor imitations. (Pic1+2)
Popular variations are with meatballs (the tinier, the better,) with white asparagus and with potatoes.
This is what you need for 4 servings: