This is what you need for 4-5 quarts:
- 2 lbs. oxtail (1 package)
- S&P
sliced & dived vegetables:
- onion, carrot, celery, …
- 1 lb. button mushrooms
- Normandy mix
spices in spice egg:
- bay leaf, cloves, peppercorn …
many dates
Oxtail is one of the toughest beef cuts and it requires a very long cooking time. It has more bone and fat than meat. Imo the best thing about oxtail is that it makes a really good soup. I don't care too much about the meat.
This is how I started out making oxtail soup, in a large pot with lots of water. The soup was good, but the meat was cooked to death and practically flavorless.
This is what you need for 4-5 quarts:
sliced & dived vegetables:
spices in spice egg:
Serving suggestion:
LLast time I made this (3+ years ago), I tried to twine oxtail together and the twine failed. This time I used a 2-qt saucepan which is so small the package of oxtail barely fits. That guarantees the oxtail won't fall apart. :-)
The soup is a lot more conventrated and the meat tasted very beefy. See: small-pot oxtail.
TThis is what you need for 2-3 servings: