Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary
Composers: Nicola A. Montani (1880-1940), 1920
Lyrics: St. Bernard of Cluny, c1150

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Nicola A |
Montani |
1880 |
1948 |
1910 |
Ave Maria No. 1, |
3-Part Chorus |
in F,(BL) |
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Nicola A |
Montani |
1880 |
1948 |
1910 |
Ave Maria No. 2 |
4-Part Chorus |
in B[flat], for (BL) |
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Nicola A |
Montani |
1880 |
1948 |
1911 |
Ave Maria. - All hail, O Mary. |
Piano |
Sacred Song (BL) |
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Nicola A |
Montani |
1880 |
1948 |
Daily, daily sing to Mary |
1920 St-gregory Hymnal |

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Anonymous |
1905 |
Daily, daily sing to Mary |
various hymnals |
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H. F. |
Hemy |
1912 |
Daily, daily sing to Mary |
1912 Crown hymnal |
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Nicola A |
Montani |
1880 |
1948 |
1920 |
Daily, daily sing to Mary |
1920 St-gregory Hymnal |
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Stephen |
Moreno |
1933 |
Daily, daily sing to Mary |
1933 The "Little Flower" Hymnal |

Recording: not available |
Lyrics: Retrieved from
http://web.archive.org/ 2010/05/03 |
Omni Die dic Mariae,
 | Cento on a poem of St. Bernard, d.1153 |
 | St.Casimir, d.1484, |
 | Corner's Gesangbuch, 1631 |
 | Tr. Henry Bittleston, d.1886 |
Omni die dic Mariae,
 | Bernard of Cluny, d.c.1150. |
 | Trier Gesangbuch, 1695. |
 | Tr. Henry Bittleston, d.1886,
1 |
Daily, daily, sing to Mary,
Sing my soul, her praises due:
All her feasts, her actions honor,
With the heart's devotion true. |
2 |
Now in wond'ring contemplation,
Be her majesty confessed;
Call her Mother call her Virgin,
Happy Mother, Virgin blest. |
3 |
She is mighty to deliver;
Call her, trust her lovingly;
When the tempest rages 'round thee,
She will calm the troubled sea. |
4 |
Gifts of heaven she has given,
Noble Lady, to our race;
She the Queen who decks her subjects
With the lights of God's own grace. |
5 |
Sing, my tongue, the Virgin's
Who for us her Maker bore;
For the curse of old inflicted,
Peace and blessing to restore. |
6 |
Sing in songs of praise unending,
Sing the world's majestic Queen;
Weary not, nor fail in telling
All the gifts she gives to men. |
1 |
Daily, daily sing to Mary,
Sing, my soul, her praises due:
All her feasts, her actions honor
With the heart's devotion true.
Lost in wond'ring contemplation,
Be her majesty confessed:
Call her Mother, call her Virgin,
Happy Mother, Virgin blest.
2 |
She is mighty in her pleading,
Tender in her loving care;
Ever watchful, understanding,
All our sorrows she will share.
Advocate and loving mother,
Mediatrix of all grace:
Heaven's blessings she dispenses
On our sinful human race.
3 |
All our graces flow through Mary;
All then join her praise to sing:
Fairest work of all creation,
Mother of creation's King.
Sing in songs of peace unending,
Call upon her lovingly:
Seat of wisdom, Gate of heaven,
Morning star upon the sea. |

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October 31, 2011
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