Ave Maria

Composer: Henri Jérôme  Bertini (1789-1876), s.a.
           arr. J. R. Gomis

This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!


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X X X X X Henri Jérôme Bertini 1798 1876   s.o. Ave María     No.5 in Cinq Morceaux religieux.
X X X X X Henri Jérôme Bertini 1798 1876   Op. 29/? Ave María   piano adaptada de la op. 29 de Bertini
Gomis, J.R. (BNE)

No.5 in: "Cinq Morceaux religieux. Paroles latines à usage des séminaires, communautés religieuses, chapelles et maisons d'education. Ave Maris Stella, O Salutaris, Tantum Ergo, Ave Maris Stella, Ave Maria" (Five religious pieces. Latin lyrics for the use of seminarians, religious communities, chapels, and places of education...)

Recording:  not available  
MIDI / Lyrics:  not available  
Score:  not available  

Ave Maria pour basse solo et choeur [avec acc. de piano ou orgue by Bertini, Henri, 1798-1876.
Published Paris, Schonenberger, [ca. 1850]
Call Number: M2072.4 B544+ Oversize
Located: BEINECKE, Music Library Deposit (Non-Circulating)

adaptada de la op. 29 (No.?) de Bertini  por Gomis, J.R. (BNE)

Recording:  not available  
MIDI / Lyrics:  not available  
Score:  not available Op. 29 available on IMSLP.


A biographical dictionary of musicians (ed. Theodore Baker)
G. Schirmer, 1905 - Biography & Autobiography - 695 pages
Bertini Henri-Jerome pianist and composer b London Oct 28 1798 d Meylau near Grenoble Oct 1 1876 When six months old he was taken to Paris where he was taught by his father and his elder brother Benoit Auguste played early in public and at 12 made a concert tour through the Netherlands and Germany He returned to Paris for study spent some time in Great Britain and from 1S21 59 resided in Paris whence he made many brilliant artistic tours In 1859 he retired to his estate at Meylau Both as pianist and composer he was a musician of the highest talent and lofty ideals unalterably opposed to the flashy virtuosity then so much in vogue Mi technical studies are still of value an excellent selection of 50 has been edited by G riuonamici an arr of Bach's 4S Preludes and Fugues f 4 hands is also useful He also wrote much chamber music and pes f pf solo over 200 works in all


Bertini Domenico born Lucca June 26 1829 d Florence Sept 7 1890 Pupil of Michele Puccini 1857 Director of the mus inst at Massa di Carrara also m di cupp went to Florence in 1862 as singing teacher and critic and became director of the Cheru bini Society Contributor to the Bocclierini of Florence La Scena of Venice and other periodicals lie comp 2 operas masses magnificats and chamber music also wrote Com pendio di principi di musica secondo un nuovo sistema 1SO6

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_Bertini  retrieved 2012-02-16

Henri Jérôme Bertini (October 28, 1798 – September 30, 1876) was a French classical composer and pianist.
Henri Jérôme Bertini was born in London on October 28, 1798,[1] but his family returned to Paris six months later. He received his early musical education from his father and his brother, a pupil of Muzio Clementi. He was considered a child prodigy and at the age of 12 his father took him on a tour of England, Holland, Flanders, and Germany where he was enthusiastically received. After studies in composition in England and Scotland he was appointed professor of music in Brussels but returned to Paris in 1821. It is known that Bertini gave a concert with Franz Liszt in the Salons Pape on April 20, 1828. The program included a transcription by Bertini of Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 in A major for eight hands (the other pianists were Sowinsky and Schunke.) He was also admired as a chamber music performer, giving concerts with his friends Antoine Fontaine (violin) and Auguste Franchomme (cello). He remained active in and around Paris until around 1848 when he retired from the musical scene. In 1859 he moved to Meylan (near Grenoble) where he died on September 30, 1876.

Bertini concertized widely but was not as celebrated a virtuoso as either Friedrich Kalkbrenner or Henri Herz. One of his contemporaries described his playing as having Clementi's evenness and clarity in rapid passages as well as the quality of sound, the manner of phrasing, and the ability to make the instrument sing characteristic of the school of Hummel and Moschelès.[2] Thomas Tapper wrote:

He was in his time a shining example of the most admirable qualities of an artist. Living in an age of garish virtuosity, and hailed as a brilliant executant himself, he maintained nevertheless the most rigorous standards of musicianship in his playing, in his compositions, and in the music which he appeared before the public to interpret. This is the more remarkable when one considers that his manhood was reached during the luxuriant period of French romanticism and that the extravagances of the literary outburst were reflected in the musical movements of the time. Virtuosity was subjected to sore temptations and many succumbed. Bertini stood for the sounder qualities of the artist and gradually acquired an extended and remunerative prestige. His life was singularly devoid of incident and official distinction, but the legacy of pedagogic works which he has left to us and his honorable activity give it every right to be called a success.[3]

Bertini was celebrated as a teacher. Antoine Marmontel, who devoted the second chapter of his work on celebrated pianists to Bertini, wrote

He was unsurpassed as a teacher, giving his lessons with scrupulous care and the keenest interest in his pupils' progress. After he had given up teaching, a number of his pupils continued with me, and I recognized the soundness of the principles drawn from his instruction.[2]

It is above all in the special class of studies and caprices, that Bertini's immense popularity is founded. It is here that he occupied a unique position and opened the path over which the next generation of composers was to rush after him. In each of his numerous collections of studies, embracing every degree of difficulty, he has insistently given to every piece, easy or difficult, brief or extended, a character of salient melody. The technical problem to be overcome presents itself as a song; even where the study is devoted to the problem of velocity the general contour falls into a melodic curve, and this is the first and transcendent cause of the universal success of these pieces, which are, furthermore, natural in respect to rhythm and carefully thought out harmonically.[4]

Robert Schumann, in a review of one of Bertini's piano trios in the Gesammelte Schriften, comments that Bertini writes easily flowing harmony but that the movements are too long. He continues: "With the best will in the world, we find it difficult to be angry with Bertini, yet he drives us to distraction with his perfumed Parisian phrases; all his music is as smooth as silk and satin."[5] German sentimentality has never appreciated French elegance.

Bertini is best remembered today for his piano method Le Rudiment du pianiste, and his 20 books of approximately 500 studies.

Music Published Without Opus:


Cinq Morceaux religieux. Paroles latines à usage des séminaires, communautés religieuses, chapelles et maisons d'education. Ave Maris Stella, O Salutaris, Tantum Ergo, Ave Maris Stella, Ave Maria
(Five religious pieces. Latin lyrics for the use of seminarians, religious communities, chapels, and places of education...)


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