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Ave Maria (i) for voice + organ   

Composer: Karel Bendl (1838-1897)
pseud. Podskalský

This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not! 


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I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X X Karel Bendl 1838 1897     Ave Maria (i)
I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) X X Karel Bendl 1838 1897     Ave Maria (ii) 

The music of this composer is public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!

Recording:  none available  
Lyrics: Score:   Musica Sacra
A-ve Ma-ri-a gra-ti-a ple-na,
Do-mi-nus te-cum,
be-ne-di-cta tu in mu-li-e-ri-bus
et be-ne-di-ctus fru-ctus ven-tris tu-i, Je-sus.

San-cta Ma-ri-a, Ma-ter De-i,
o-ra pro no-bis pec-ca-to-ri-bus,
nunc et in ho-ra mor-tis no-strae,

San-cta Ma-ri-a, San-cta Ma-ri-a,
o-ra pro no-bis, o-ra pro no-bis,
A-men. A-men.

A biographical dictionary of musicians (ed. Theodore Baker)
G. Schirmer, 1905 - Biography & Autobiography - 695 pages
Bendl Karl
b Prague April 16 1838 d there Sept 20 1897
Pupil of Blazok and Fitsch at the Organists School Prague till 1858 For a time he was chorusmaster of the German Opera Amsterdam 1864 Returned 1865 to Prague after 1S66 conductor of the male choral society lllahol Works Czech national operas ej n 1868 Krttislav and Jilku 1S69 Cernahorci 1SS1 Karel Skrela comic 1883 DiU Tdbora Child of the Camp 1892 3 acts all at the Natl Th Prague and on its standing repertory Also 3 masses several cantatas f soli ch and orch an overture a Dithyramb a Concert Polonaise a Slavonic Rhapsody etc f orch a string quartet 200 Czech songs and choruses pf music Bendl jointly with Smetana and Dvorak enjoys the distinction of winning general recognition for Czech musical art

Page last modified: October 31, 2012

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