The Day is o'er, the Moon serenely Beaming

Composer: Anonymous ('Old Catholic Melody')


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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The day _ is o-ver,
the moon _ se rene_ ly _ beam ing
In sil _ ver light, hath _ field and for est drest;
A thou sand twink ling stars are gen _ tly gleam ing,
The world _ is hushed _ and all is laid to rest.

(Chorus) Hail, full of grace.
A _ _ ve Ma ri _ a,
Hail, full _ of grace, A _ _ ve _ Ma ri _ a.


1906 St-Basil's hymnal - voice + chorus, 4 verses


No. 112. in 1912 Crown hymnal same tune, solo voice + chorus,
different accompaniment, 3 verses  'Old Catholic Melody'  (MIDI = this setting)

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Page last modified: November 02, 2011

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