Ave! Mary, full of grace 

Composer: Anonymous - unknown
Ave, plena gracia, From 1706 Paris Missal
English translation by W. J. Copeland


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. X X       Anonymous         1706     Ave! Mary, full of grace    
I have a score of this song I have a music notation program file of this song  (NWC, Sibelius, etc.) I have a MIDI file of this song. X X   Sir Arthur   Sullivan   1842 1900         Ave! Mary, full of grace SATB a cappella

Score / MIDI:  not available
Recording:  not available
Lyrics:  Source: George R. Woodward, ed; Songs of Syon (London: Schott & Co., 3rd Edition, 1908), # 244
Ave! Mary, Full Of Grace 
'For Candlemas'

1._A-ve! Ma-ry, full _ of grace,
In whose vir-_ gin arms’ em-brace
God to God him-self doth vow:
Let me in the tem-_ ple wait,
Let me meet _ thee at the gate,
Je-su, for mine All art thou.

2._God is to his tem-_ ple come;
An-gels throng the hal-low’d dome;
What be-yond hath heav’n in store?
God him-self our flesh _ doth wear,
Owns a Vir-gin-Mo-ther’s care;
This than heav’n it-self is more.

3._In-cense-gales _ of glad-ness rise,
Where this mor-_ ning sa-_ cri-fice
‘Mid re-e-choing shouts is made
E-ve-ning’s rite in tears shall end,
And with bit-_ ter wee-_ pings blend,
On the dark’-ning Cross dis-play’d.
4._There be-hold the_Ob-la-tion wrought,
By whose pre-cious ran-som bought,
We are all to God made nigh:
Now no lon-ger, Lord, our own,
To thy sing-le ser-vice won,
Thine we live, and thine we die.

5._Let thy ser-vants now de-part;
May we see thee as thou art;
Nought of earth ar-rest our eyes!
If thou keep us here be-low,
Let us here with Je-sus grow,
And in him here-af-ter rise.       

Probably goes with this tune: (same references)

1907 The new office hymn book

Posted on YouTube:   Not available at this time.  
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If you (or your choir) perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording.  Post your video on YouTube, email me the page URL and I'll embed the video in this page.
This music is assumed to be under copyright in the USA

You can also email me an MP3 for audio only.

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Page last modified: November 02, 2011

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AveWiki = the interactive counterpart of "Geert's Ave Maria  pages"


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