I have raised rabbits for our personal use for 2 years. It isn’t very a very difficult thing to do. They are generally very quiet and not demanding at all. Rabbits are content with a small space and regular food and water. Best of all for the homesteader, they breed like rabbits, grow like cabbages and are cheap in upkeep. Rabbits have the lowest feed cost to meat production ratio of all domestic animals.
The hardest part of raising rabbits for me was killing day. That was always a bit traumatic for me. The skinning and dressing out afterwards was a just chore, and a full freezer my reward.
What raising rabbits did for me:
It restored the connection between the living animal and the need to kill to get them as food on the table. I hated it, and yet it had to be done.
Too many city-raised people have been sheltered all their lives from that fundamental circle of life and death. Killing and processing your own food brings a respect for the animals that feed you.
Pic1: rabbit before
Rabbit meat is good for you. (source)
Pic3: roast/fry
Just as with other meats, I use three main cooking methods for rabbit: roast, stew or pot roast, and soup.
See the respective recipes for more details.
Pic3: roast/fry