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Ave Maria videos

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Ave Maria videos.

Since October 2009, many pages in this website have videos embedded. You do need a high-speed connection to view them. The majority of these videos have been retrieved from www.youtube.com but there are some other websites as well. This website only links to the video files, which remain hosted on the servers where I found them. As a consequence, the availability of these videos is not under our control and cannot be guaranteed.

Search YouTube gives many results! These are just a few of the most popular, retrieved 2009-10-31.

Raphael - Ave Maria (www.musikatotal.com)
Raphael - Ave Maria
Beyonce - Ave Maria
Beyonce - Ave Maria

Schubert - Ave Maria (Opera)
Schubert - Ave Maria  
Maria Callas Otello: Ave Maria
Maria Callas Otello
"Ave Maria" 1,169,426 views
Charlotte Church Ave Maria
Charlotte Church Ave Maria
Hayley Westenra - Ave Maria
Hayley Westenra - Ave Maria
David Bisbal - Ave Mar�a
David Bisbal - Ave Mar�a

Sumi Jo - Caccini - Ave Maria
Sumi Jo - Caccini - Ave Maria
Andre Rieu - Ave Maria (Maastricht 2008) DIGITAL TV
Andre Rieu - Ave Maria

A few YouTube users who have posted multiple Ave Marias:  (list not complete)

In the Movies / On Stage concert: Who is She? 117Hoang ascsco Bartje11 Coro Quodlibet Glenn Bengsson Gspijkenisse Indianka71 mmeves Musica Hasselt

Page last modified: October 27, 2011

Return to my homepage: www.avemariasongs.org

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AveWiki = the interactive counterpart of "Geert's Ave Maria  pages"


Up In the Movies / On Stage concert: Who is She? 117Hoang ascsco Bartje11 Coro Quodlibet Glenn Bengsson Gspijkenisse Indianka71 mmeves Musica Hasselt
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