And even more library links...
The Golden Pages
Library catalogues online, and library and bibliographical links
- Archivio di Stato di Firenze (links also to other archives)
- Austrian
union library catalogues online
(Bodleian Access to Remote Databases)
- Biblioteca Nacional,
Bibliotheken, Bücher und Berichte (German library catalogues)
- Bibliothèque Nationale,
Paris (use the link to connect; press CTRL-Z to disconnect)
- Bodleian Library,
- British
Library OPAC catalogue
Britten-Pears Library
- CARL (Colorado libraries, offering bibliographical searches
for articles)
- Center for Research Libraries (CRL, Chicago)
- COPAC (merged online
library catalogues of Cambridge University, Edinburgh University,
Glasgow University, Imperial College of Science, Technology and
Medicine, Leeds University, University of Manchester, University
of Nottingham, Oxford University, Trinity College Dublin,
University College London, University of London Library, the
records from a further twelve university library catalogues will
be added in due course, and possibly materials from other
libraries; searches can be done using title words, author and
organisation names, subject words, date, language and library)
- Durham
University: special library resources (cathedral and
university collections, including resources for 17th-century music
and for 19th- and 20th-century English music)
- Handschriftendatenbank (manuscripts in German
libraries for which electronic standard entries exist: enter your
text string in the field labelled "Freitext-Index" and click on
the "Suchen" button above the fields)
- Hill Monastic Manuscript
Library, St John's University, Collegeville, MN
- Huntington Library,
- International Library of African Music, Rhodes University,
Grahamstown, South Africa
- IREX database on
access and working conditions in libraries and archives
("first-hand accounts of the experiences of American scholars who
have recently worked in the libraries and archives of Eurasia;
submitted by researchers as part of their grant program, IREX
makes these reports available in unedited or slightly modified
form to assist the scholarly community in planning future research
- Italian union library catalogues
(online catalogue of the Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale,
organized by or in collaboration with the Istituto Centrale per il
Catalogo Unico: the most complete national union catalogue of
Italian libraries that is available, a shared cataloguing system
launched in 1992, where more than 300 libraries (including all the
national libraries and big regional pools) participate)
- Karlsruher
Virtueller Katalog (KVK) of the Karlsruhe University Library
(gateway to six German consortia's union catalogues, BIBOS, COPAC,
and several other databases that can be searched simultaneously or
Library catalogues online: Billy Barron's document "Accessing
Online Bibliographic Databases", now rather out of date, but with
useful telnet addresses
- Library of Congress
- Library
of Congress gopher site for music
- MELVYL (University of
California libraries union catalogue)
Music Library of the Future project (MLF, McGill University)
- OCLC (Online Computer
Library Center)
- Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (on-line catalogue)
Princeton University Music Listening Library, monthly
acquisitions list
- RISM Online (Répertoire International des Sources
Musicales -- the International Inventory of Musical Sources,
a worldwide effort to describe sources of music and writings about
music from the earliest times up to about 1825), with access to
four databases:
 | RISM A/II: Music Manuscripts After 1600 (230,000+ records
for music manuscripts held by 451 libraries in 23 countries; a
graphical online thematic catalogue, this database includes
approximately 400,000 melodic incipits) |
 | U.S. RISM Libretto Project Database (13,000+ records for
libretti in the Schatz Collection at the Library of Congress)
 | RISM Library Directory (5,500+ records; an international
directory of RISM sigla, addresses, etc. of libraries holding
musical sources relevant to RISM bibliographies) |
 | RISM Bibliographic Citations Database (1,300+ records,
consisting of citations for secondary sources referred to in the
other RISM Online databases) |
- Russian National Library
(for sending E-mail, to the address
- Carfax Publishing Ltd,
including SARA (Scholarly Articles Research Alerting: "e-mail
service, delivering tables of contents for any journal available
under the scheme, free of charge: access the Carfax Home Page,
enter SARA and follow the on-screen instructions or send an e-mail
to with
the word "info" in the body of the message)
- Shakespeare Folger Library
(Hamnet: The Folger Online Catalog)