PROJIMO timeline:
2006 |
 | Newsletter from the Sierra Madre #57 |
 | Duranguito continues to initiate new programs |
 | movie: "Una mirada diferente" |
 | movie: Un Centro De Rehabilitacion Participativo |
 | project evaluation: Geert Cuypers |
 | Televisa: Mujer, Casos De La Vida Real
makes an episode loosely based on project PROJIMO |
 | Atilano comes to PROJIMO |


VIDEO documentary #1: Una Mirada
This documentary covers 3 CBR projects in Mexico: CAMADDS, Piña Palmera and
PROJIMO; and looks at a few families with disabled children who are being served
by these projects.

VIDEO documentary #2: PROJIMO Un Centro De Rehabilitacion Participativo
video embedded from
PAGE movie is 173 MB, lasts over 1 hour.
This video documentary was made in 2006 by Chris Keefer |
documental a cerca del Centro de Rehabilitacion fisica participativo
PROJIMO, (Programma de Rehabilitacion Organizado por Jovenes Incapacitados
de Mexico Occidental) Entrevistas con participantes y imagenes de los
talleres de Protesis, Silla de Ruedas, Sala de Terapia, y actividades de
Concientizacion. |

Kellog's systematization project.

Page last modified:
October 27, 2011
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