Dios te salve, Maria  solo voice + keyboard

Composer:  Juan J. Sosa, Pbro. (*1947), 1986


This music is assumed to be under copyright protection in the USA



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Dios te sal ve, Ma ri a,
lle na e res de gra cia.
El Se ñor es con ti go,
San ta Ma dre de Dios. (all x2)
Ben di _ ta tu e res
en tre to das las mu je res
y ben-di ta_es el fru to
de tu vien tre, Je sus. (R)

play/stop MIDI:

San ta Ma ri a, rue ga por no so tros,
no so tros pe ca do res,
a ho ra y_en la ho ra
de nues tra muer _ te. (R)

Recording:  not available

play/stop MP3 sample:

  Desde la Aurora hasta el Ocaso

Score:    (c) OCP can be purchased at OCP
This music is assumed to be under copyright in the USA    This music is assumed to be under copyright in the USA

My thanks and appreciation to
Xulio Mosquera - Arquivo Coral
for sending me this score

Please notify us of any broken/defective links

Page last modified: November 02, 2011

Return to my homepage: www.avemariasongs.org

Do you see a public domain score you like, but you cannot download it?
Other questions or comments about this web site?   
E-mail me: infoemail meavemariasongs.org
AveWiki = the interactive counterpart of "Geert's Ave Maria  pages"


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