Ave Maria
Composer: Teja Lewandrowski (*1966), 2004

Recording: not available |
Lyrics: not available, see
score. |
Score: can be purchased on the publisher's
http://www.ph-publishers.com/ |
©2010 Porfiri & Horváth
Publishers (Germany). All rights reserved.
Reproduction of this publication without permission of the publishers
is a criminal offence and subject to prosecution. |
The publishing house founded in 1997 as Edition Music Contact has
changed its name in April 2010 into Porfiri & Horváth

My thanks and appreciation to
Kristine Görtz -
Porfiri & Horváth Publishers (Germany)
for sending me this score.

Posted on YouTube: Not available at
this time. |
You or you choir
could appear here!
If you or your choir perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording and post
it on YouTube. If you let me know that you have the video, I'll embed the
video in this page. |

You can also email me an MP3 for audio only. |

Biography information provided by
the publisher Porfiri & Horváth |
Teja (Tell-Maria) Lewandrowski – born 02.12.1966 in Berlin - private piano,
music theory and aural training lessons since the age of 7, A-level in 1985
– first attempts in composing - 1988-1993 studies at the Humboldt University
in Berlin (music and history (teaching degree) - 1993 diploma – working as
an arranger for different ensembles – degrees in piano, tone motion, choir
conducting – participation in several choir conducting workshops; further
private studies in the field of composition - since 1995 music teacher in
Berlin – conductor and arranger of the Brandenburg State Youth Choir. |

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November 07, 2011
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