Ave Maria   

Composer: Marco da Gagliano (1582-1643), s.a.


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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Score / MIDI /Lyrics:  not available  

play/stop MP3 sample:

Missa in Assumptione Beatae Mariae Virginis
tr10 Ave Maria gratia plena (Marco da Gagliano)

Marco da Gagliano: Sacrarum cantionum, 1614 & 1622
tr5 Vocibus Ave Maria

A biographical dictionary of musicians (ed. Theodore Baker)
G. Schirmer, 1905 - Biography & Autobiography - 695 pages
  da Gagliano, Marco di Zanobi  early opera-comp
b Florence [1582] (?) d there Feb 24 1642
He was a pupil of L Bati; in 1602 he became maestro at S Lorenzo in Florence Publ works Dafnc opera in musica his most important work first played at Mantua 1607 publ Florence 1608 and reprinted with the continue written out by R Eitner in vol x of the Tublikation alterer Musikwerke Masses a 5 Venice 1579 Responsori della settimana santa a 4 voci Venice 1 580 considered his finest work 6 vol s of Madrigals a 5 1602 17 Musiche a 1 2 e 3 voci Venice 1615 with continue

Page last modified: November 01, 2011

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