Ave Maria  for choir and orchestra

Composer: Alexandre-César-Léopold Georges Bizet (1838-1875), 1868

This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!


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Lyrics: Score:

play/stop MIDI:

A ve Ma ri a, gra ti a ple _ na,
Do mi nus te cum, Do mi nus te _ cum,
be ne dic ta tu in mu li e ri bus,
et be ne dic tus,
be ne dic tus fruc tus ven tris tu _ i, Je _ sus.
Sanc ta Ma ri a, Ma _ ter De i,
o _ ra pro no-bis, pro no bis pec ca to ri bus.
Sanc _ ta Ma ri a, o _ _ ra pro no bis
nunc et in _ ho ra, in ho ra mor -tis nos trae,
in ho _ ra mor _ tis nos _ _ trae.
Sanc ta Ma ri a, o ra pro no bis,
o _ _ _ _ ra pro no _ _ bis pec _ ca to _ ri bus.
A men, a men.

My thanks and appreciation to
Jeanne Buyens (Brussels, Belgium)
for sending me this score.


posted on YouTube:

A biographical dictionary of musicians (ed. Theodore Baker)
G. Schirmer, 1905 - Biography & Autobiography - 695 pages
  Bizet Georges baptismal names Alexandre César Léopold
b Paris Oct 25 1838 d Bougival June 3 1875
He entered the Paris Cons at nine his teachers being Marmontel pf Be noist org Zimmerman harm and Ma levy his future father in law comp In 1857 he took among 7S competitors the prize offered by Offenbach for the composition of an opera buff a Le doc leur Miracle and also won the Grand prix de Rome Instead of the prescribed mass he sent from Rome during his first year a 2 act Ital opera buffa Don Procopio later he sent 2 movements of a symphony an overture La Chasse J Ossian and a comic opera La Guzla tie r mir Returning he prod a grand opera Les picheurs de pcrlcs Th Lyrique 1S63 but this work and also La jolie fille tie Perth 1867 failed of popular approval A i act opera Djamileh 1S72 fared no better in all his music B revealed a strong leaning towards Wagner then so unpopular in France but Pasdeloup brought out his overture Patrie and the 2 symphonic movements with success The incidental music to Daudet's I ArUsienne 1872 however turned the tide of popular favor and the striking success of Carmen Opera Coin Mar 3 1S75 showed what P might have done had he been spared he died just three months after his hardly won triumph lie sides the above mentioned works B comp two operas Numa 1871 Ivan le Terrihle not perf abt 150 pf pes of all kinds he was a brilliant pianist and songs etc Ch Pigot wrote Bizet ct son reuvre i8S j

Page last modified: November 04, 2011

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